**Please be advised that in order to completely cancel your leave application, your approval Manager should approve the cancellation request you have submitted.** 


- To Cancel your Leave Application first select the 'Modify Application' button
- Then Select the leave application that you want to cancel from the table
- Select the 'Cancellation' button
- Confirm the Cancellation by clicking the 'Yes' button. 

    _See images below for sample illustration._

[image:20 align:left]   
          Select the 'Modify Application' button

[image:21 align:left]   
          Select the leave application that you want to cancel

[image:22 align:left]  
          Select the 'Cancellation' button

[image:23 align:left]  
          Select Yes

[image:24 align:left]  
          The cancelled leave will be automatically greyed out.

[image:25 align:left]  
          Move the scroll bar to the right to see the Status of your leave